Tis’ the season for giving from the heart…OR from cyber space

Since I’ve been an “adult” and able to sustain on more than Raman, I’ve enjoyed adopting an angel from the Angel Tree every year.  Its a nice way to give back to someone who might not otherwise have a Christmas morning.  And because you are actually handling the shopping yourself, you are able to make sure they are well-stocked with clothing and of course have a few toys to enjoy on Christmas morning.

This year, I had a bit of trouble locating an actual Angel Tree to take an angel and shop for.  Granted, most of the time I am able to find these easily in suburban malls…but if you’ve ever been to NYC, you know that those are not really readily accessible.  So a few weeks ago when I started my search, I started to panic a bit because it was not as easy as I thought.

And then I found the JC Penney Online Angel Tree — (http://angel.jcpenney.com/).

This is an amazing and VERY EASY way to help out this season.  You can do all of your shopping online, in just a few minutes.  Information on your Angel is readily available, and they will ship it (FOR FREE) directly to a local Salvation Army near you (be sure to include your Angel’s ID so that all your gifts get to the correct child). AND, they even give you a promo code to receive a discount.

If you have 10 free minutes, and anything to spare this holiday season, check it out and please give someone a happy Christmas morning if you can.  I grew up with many blessed, exciting and warm/cozy holiday mornings, and what a great thing to share that with just one child if we can.

Happy Christmakkuh all!



Filed under My Life - Big Apple Belle, Web Stuff

2 responses to “Tis’ the season for giving from the heart…OR from cyber space

  1. Laurie

    Thanks, dear! I have the same problem finding a tree, and this is a great website to help with that.

  2. MPC

    I am conflicted about the angel tree. On one level, it’s fantastic that it is giving a child that is needy some extra clothes and items to make his/her Christmas just a bit better. On the other hand, we are giving to charity, but there are corporations capitalizing on it. J.C. Penny is still making a profit on our giving.

    Then again, what is wrong with capitalism benefiting from charity? Nothing, I suppose. There is nothing mutually exclusive between corporatism and charity. For example, J.C. Penny may be making money on the angel tree, but at the same time, the child is benefiting too. Is there anything intrinsically wrong with that? The answer is “no,” on a basic ethical and moral level. If the child is benefiting, who cares if there’s some profit.

    Well I am glad we gave to the angel tree. I don’t mind some consumerism and corporatism getting a benefit as well, though I wish the charitable intention could have been pure…then again, no charity is completely without some selfish motive, so let J.C. Penny reap the benefits too. You can NEVER find complete purity in charitable donations 🙂 Looval dooval.

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